Quantum computing


Quantum computing harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to process information. A traditional computer uses zeroes and ones to encode vast amount of information. On the other hand, quantum computers use quantum bits, or more commonly known as qubits to achieve the same goal. These qubits can be photons, atoms or molecules. What’s interesting about qubits is that they can exploit the phenomena of superposition and entanglement.Let’s discuss superposition and entanglement one by one.

Superposition is the ability of quantum states to be in multiple states at the same time. Qubits can correspondĀ to both one and zero at the same time.

Entanglement is the strong correlation between quantum particles which can be separated by great distance.

Because of superposition and entanglement, quantum computers can process a large amount of data simultaneously, giving it inherent parallelism. Certain tasks which were thought to be impossible can be done by quantum computers.

Researchers are working round the clock to develop quantum computers that can supplant the tradition ones based on Von-Neumann architecture. The quantum revolution has started and its implication will change the way the information is processed.