Other side of Quantum computing story

You must have observed that I have written a lot about quantum computing lately. That’s because there is a lot of buzz about this topic. People are expecting a lot from from quantum world in computing field.

But if we take a closer look at the story, we will get to know that there is a lot of work to be done before talking about current ‘quantum leap’. Quantum states are susceptible to noise and it takes a lot of effort to contain its effect on performance. Researchers are working on different approaches to achieve that, but for now we need to give quantum computing time to get the challenges under control.

Read this article from Quanta Magazine to know more.


Data as new ‘oil’ for tech world


Intel CEO Brian Krzanich at CES 2018 claimed that data will be like oil for technology companies. It is growing exponentially and everyone is trying to make use of it to generate profit. Microsoft, Facebook, Google are few such names who are looking to tap into data explosion. According to data shown at Intel CES 2018, each person will generate around 1.5 GB per data. On the other hand, autonomous cars will generate about 1 TB per day and connected planes will produce 40 TB per day. For reference, the hard disk of Continue reading →

Microsoft offers preview of Quantum computing kit to developers


Recently, Microsoft announced the release of a preview of Quantum computing kit for developers. It includes Q# programming language, a quantum simulator which can simulate 30 logical qubits of power, along with documentation, libraries & sample programs.

This is an important step to make programmers ready to make use of vast potential shown by quantum computing, which elicits excitation from hardware people but can be challenging for software people. Microsoft is another tech-giant (others include technology companies like IBM) which is investing in quantum computing.

You can download the kit by clicking here.