Mooc by TU Delft for Quantum Computing and Quantum Internet


TU Delft, Netherlands has launched a MOOC on edx which is about quantum computing and quantum internet. Although, both the technologies are not in very advanced stage, but so was internet few decades ago, and now it is part of our life. In a nutshell, quantum internet and computing has the potential to change the way we interact in our daily life.

This course- The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How will they change the world? provides the basic understanding of concepts like qubits, superposition and entanglement. Potential impact of quantum internet and quantum inernet will also be discussed. Continue reading →

Baidu joins the race to build quantum computers


Chinese multinational Baidu announced that will be launching the quantum computing institute, which will be led by RunyanoDuan, a professor at the University of Technology Sydney. The aim of the institute is to build devices that can be used in various business sectors over next five years.

China is trying to ensure to ensure that they do not lag behind when it comes to quantum computers. The country has funded its National Laboratory for Quantum Information $16 billion over next five years.

Baidu has joined the club which had Alibaba, Tencent, IBM, Microsoft and Google as its member.

A researcher claims Quantum Computing is a Mirage

Quantum qubits are susceptible to noise and we still do not have a good method to mitigate the situation. Even though big corporates like IBM and Microsoft are pouring in millions of dollars, Gil Kalai, a mathematician at Hebrew University claims that Quantum computers will not work if we are expecting huge computing power.

Kalai argues that controlling the noise effect on the working of quantum computers is not possible without compromising the computational power of the system.

Read this article in Quanta Magazine to get more details.