A computer program inside our body


When we think about a computer program, we elicit images of cryptic language written on the computer screen. However, it is also present in our body.

The transformation of single fertilized egg cell into an embryo (embryogenesis) is nothing less than a miracle. Scientists have been studying this process for a long time and it astonishes us every single time we read about it. Apparently, it’s not just biology which can help us study complex living organism. According to Gary Marcus, embryogenesis resembles a computer program which produces sophisticated organic Continue reading →

Computer simulation needs a different computing model


Geometric details showing several molecular interactions in a fragment of the molecular structure of a protein. Image source: http://www.xtal.iqfr.csic.es/Cristalografia/parte_07-en.html

Computer simulation have played an important role in engineering and science. It helped in determining the aerodynamic quality of aeroplane or electronic circuit before manufacturing it. Simulation have always been a computing hungry process. There are applications like molecular interaction simulation which are really difficult to simulate on classical computers. These applications find their use in material science, chemical industry and pharmaceutical industry to name a few. It will be useful that a drug-manufacturing company will get to Continue reading →

Google unveiled 72 qubits quantum processor


Image source: Techcrunch

Google unveiled the 72 qubits quantum processor, known by name of Bristlecone. The tech giant wants to achieve the quantum supremacy in future i.e a point when quantum processor could run some algorithms faster than the classical one. At present, qubits are Continue reading →