Role of future computing models to study vaccine-driven evolution pathogens

Vaccination has played an essential role in human history. It provided victory against deadly and contagious diseases like smallpox, polio and we are developing more effective vaccines. It appears that pathogens become extinct when we eliminate them through vaccination. However, that’s not the case.  Pathogens undergo constant mutation, and earlier researchers thought they are just random in nature.

Researchers have found that vaccines play a role to help pathogens to develop resistance to vaccines. Many vaccines don’t work after some period of time. Such kind of Continue reading →

Quantum communications and swarm robotics


Living organisms like bees and ant may have a simple brain, but they are really good at working together. We can visualise them as programmed using a simple code which consists of a couple if-else-repeat statements. The fact that such simple computation can achieve complex coordinations have inspired researchers to make swarm robots. To coordinate among themselves, they need to communicate with each other and number of such communications will scale up as the number of robots goes up.

In such situations, quantum communication can help us. There are quantum protocols Continue reading →

Intel to manufacture Quantum chips


Intel has started manufacturing quantum chip, which can handle 17 qubits. It was being developed over the past eighteen months by researchers at a lab in Oregon and manufacturing is taking place at Arizona. Since qubits are quite fragile at normal environmental conditions, so the processor will be working at super low temperature.

Intel will be looking to leverage its fabrication expertise to beat the other players : IBM, Continue reading →

MOOC to understand building blocks of quantum computing


TU Delft will be launching another MOOC on quantum computing on edx. The first MOOC: The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How will they change the world?- was the introduction to quantum computing and quantum internet along with some potential applications. This Mooc– The Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer (which will start on May 29, 2018) digs deeper and talk about Continue reading →

A turning point in Quantum Computing history


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Quantum computing is one of the most promising future computing models nowadays. However, things were not like this few decades ago. People thought quantum computing would remain as a theory, but there would be no application in real life. Before moving on, let me introduce two ubiquitous encryption schemes.

Two widely used public-key encryption which are widely used: RSA, based on prime factoring problems and Diffie-Hellman key exchange, based on discrete logarithm problem were thought to be unbreakable. All this changed in 1994 (which is said to be Continue reading →