Computer simulation needs a different computing model


Geometric details showing several molecular interactions in a fragment of the molecular structure of a protein. Image source:

Computer simulation have played an important role in engineering and science. It helped in determining the aerodynamic quality of aeroplane or electronic circuit before manufacturing it. Simulation have always been a computing hungry process. There are applications like molecular interaction simulation which are really difficult to simulate on classical computers. These applications find their use in material science, chemical industry and pharmaceutical industry to name a few. It will be useful that a drug-manufacturing company will get to Continue reading →

DNA Computing


DNA computing avails DNA, biochemistry and molecular biology, instead of transistors on silicon wafers. If we are able to tap its potential, we could be able to store huge amount of data as compared to what we can store in our laptops. DNA computing inherently considers multiple solutions at a time so it can be used in areas which require parallel computing capability.

Researchers have already developed DNA logic gates which modulates the genetic material. So, we have already started on that road. The technology is still in the infancy stage Continue reading →