MOOC to understand building blocks of quantum computing


TU Delft will be launching another MOOC on quantum computing on edx. The first MOOC: The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How will they change the world?- was the introduction to quantum computing and quantum internet along with some potential applications. This Mooc– The Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer (which will start on May 29, 2018) digs deeper and talk about Continue reading →

Mooc by TU Delft for Quantum Computing and Quantum Internet


TU Delft, Netherlands has launched a MOOC on edx which is about quantum computing and quantum internet. Although, both the technologies are not in very advanced stage, but so was internet few decades ago, and now it is part of our life. In a nutshell, quantum internet and computing has the potential to change the way we interact in our daily life.

This course- The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How will they change the world? provides the basic understanding of concepts like qubits, superposition and entanglement. Potential impact of quantum internet and quantum inernet will also be discussed. Continue reading →

MOOC on Quantum computing


Hello everyone,

Recently, I found a series of an online course on edX by MIT which is about quantum logic, quantum gates, quantum algorithm and application of quantum mechanics in communication. These courses do not assume knowledge of quantum mechanics, just knowledge of linear algebra.

I am going through first part of the set of three courses right now,  other two will be Continue reading →

Quantum computing MOOC

Hello everyone, in this blog I talked about the potential of Quantum computing in my previous posts. Now there is an online course on the same topic and more, on edx.  Any person who is curious to know about this technology can access the material free of cost and the best part is you don’t need to be a virtuoso at a technical field to understand this course which will start on March 20, 2018.

You can click here to go to the MOOC website to know the details