A researcher claims Quantum Computing is a Mirage

Quantum qubits are susceptible to noise and we still do not have a good method to mitigate the situation. Even though big corporates like IBM and Microsoft are pouring in millions of dollars, Gil Kalai, a mathematician at Hebrew University claims that Quantum computers will not work if we are expecting huge computing power.

Kalai argues that controlling the noise effect on the working of quantum computers is not possible without compromising the computational power of the system.

Read this article in Quanta Magazine to get more details.

Other side of Quantum computing story

You must have observed that I have written a lot about quantum computing lately. That’s because there is a lot of buzz about this topic. People are expecting a lot from from quantum world in computing field.

But if we take a closer look at the story, we will get to know that there is a lot of work to be done before talking about current ‘quantum leap’. Quantum states are susceptible to noise and it takes a lot of effort to contain its effect on performance. Researchers are working on different approaches to achieve that, but for now we need to give quantum computing time to get the challenges under control.

Read this article from Quanta Magazine to know more.